Butterfield & Associates Grain, Inc. has evolved over the last 60+ years to serve our customers with the latest, most efficient, and economical technology to provide more profit for our producers. Along with that, community service has always been a top priority for us here at Butterfield & Associates Grain, Inc. Giving back and investing in communities and those that live in them have taken many shapes and forms over the years - from being awarded the Missouri Safe Environmental Respect Award, annual fire training and anhydrous ammonia safety training - to purchasing fair animals at both the Linn & Livingston County Fairs for the past 25 years. We also partner with the Meadville R-IV School district in the Partners in Education program, as well as participating in the local career fair. We are committed to being good stewards and progressive members of our Meadville community and also to serving the people of Meadville and the surrounding area. |